Poco a poco la informacion sobre el proximo Structure Deck del OCG se amplia, dando mas y mas forma a lo que sera su estrategia primordial. Entre lo recien anexado estan los monstruos:
Dragon Rider of the Sea Emperor
WATER/Sea-Serpent - Effect/4/1800/0
Effect unconfirmed: While this card is face-up on the field, Level 3 or lower Sea-Serpent Type Monster can attack the opponent player directly. Also, when this card is sent to the Graveyard for the activation of a WATER Monster's effect, add 1 Sea-Serpent Monster other than a"Dragon Rider of the Sea Emperor" from your deck to your hand.
WATER/Sea-Serpent - Effect/4/1800/0
Effect unconfirmed: While this card is face-up on the field, Level 3 or lower Sea-Serpent Type Monster can attack the opponent player directly. Also, when this card is sent to the Graveyard for the activation of a WATER Monster's effect, add 1 Sea-Serpent Monster other than a"Dragon Rider of the Sea Emperor" from your deck to your hand.
Sniper of the Sea Emperor
WATER/Sea-Serpent - Effect/3/1400/0
When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Ponts, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Sea Emperor" Sea-Serpent-Type Monster, except "Sniper of the Sea Emperor", from your deck. Also, when this card is sent to the Graveyard for the activation of a WATER Monster's Effect, destroy 1 set card your opponent controls.
WATER/Sea-Serpent - Effect/3/1400/0
When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Ponts, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Sea Emperor" Sea-Serpent-Type Monster, except "Sniper of the Sea Emperor", from your deck. Also, when this card is sent to the Graveyard for the activation of a WATER Monster's Effect, destroy 1 set card your opponent controls.
El primero, cuyo efecto permitira evitar el desgaste de mano que la carta principal del Structure podria generar, a la vez que permite la jugabilidad del segundo, cyos atauqes directos nos darana mayor poder de invocacion. Asi mismo no debemos olvidar la carta magica exclusiva del mazo:
Roar of the Sea Emperor
Quick-Play Magic Card
Effect unconfirmed: Activate by selecting 3 Level 3 or lower Sea-Serpent Type Monster in your Graveyard. Special Summon the selected monsters. During the turn you activated this card, you cannot Special Summon other monsters.
Quick-Play Magic Card
Effect unconfirmed: Activate by selecting 3 Level 3 or lower Sea-Serpent Type Monster in your Graveyard. Special Summon the selected monsters. During the turn you activated this card, you cannot Special Summon other monsters.
la cual pese a su limitacion tras activarla, permitira mantener monstruos en campo, mismos que daran gran utilidad a la carta trampa Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord, para posteriormente realizar un ataque masivo en el sigueinte turno, acceder a sincronias o exceed/xyz, o usar al Sea Emperor Dragon Poseidra.
Como podemos ver el mazo va tomando forma, con lo que no duso, ya comienzen a verse por la red, ideas para aprovechar al maximo estas nuevas cartas, asi como el potencial reforzado de los monstruos agua, que tambien mostrara la cara en la expancion Abyss Rising. Personalemnte pienso que por lo actualemnte mostrado, este estructure deck tiene mas potencial si dejamos de lado a la carta principal, cuyo efecto esta muy "light" en comparacion de las cartas icono de las anteriores entregas de los Structure Deck, pero talvez con el tiempo, este pensamiento podria cambiar.
Por ultimo les dejo el link con la informacion mas completa, para que chequen y se formules su propio punto de vista.....
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